Hi Badita, could you please share the architecture materials with me as well? Also is there a PDF file on installation guide for Orchestrator 2017? I can’t seem to be able to export the guide at https://orchestrator.uipath.com/docs . Thank you!
could you please provide access to UiPath Best Practice Document
hi i want uipath free training
Please can you share the documentation with me also. Thanks.
Hi Baditha,
Do you have any Pdf or word documents, of this documentation.
Kindly share the link if you.
Can you please forward this document to me as well.
Thanks and Regards
Hi Badita,
My question is on setting up Kibana.
I have installed Elasticsearch and Kibana after installing and setting up Orchestrator.
- How to setup logging initially in Orchestrator and Robot to be able to see those logs inside Elastic Search. Any specific settings I need to do? Any config files to change to turn logging on to write to Elastic Search?
- I have a tenant called Server_DEV. What should I put as the index name?
- Once I connect to the tenant, how do I manage the fields and info flowing in from Orchestrator to Kibana? How can I add more fields or remove fields flowing in from Orchestrator?
- I would like to get dashboards that you have already created for UiPath in Kibana and also how I can edit the dashboard to my needs?
Yeah this is public now. And thanks.
Can u please grant me the access…
The docs link is public now.
please let me how to download excel docs for practice which shown in the videos,
Hi Rabia,
In Lesson 9 - Workflows, if you Download the archive, you will find there all the materials you need including the Excel files.
Hi Badita, I managed to save the materials using clip feature of OneNote. I think it will work on Evernote as well. Hope it can also support Pocket saving in the future will be handy for ebook readers.
Hi Rabia,
Please follow this link: UiPath
thank you so much
Hi Badita,
Please could you share the Uipath studio and Orchestrator guide documents with me.
Thank you,
Hi, can you please grant access to me to download and refer this sheet. Thanks in advance
Hi, can you also share this with me, please? Thanks.
hi badita,i am new to this uipath please guide me how to get uipath certification .i am too much confused
umesh Choudari
Thanks for the Stuff