Is it possible to get a printable version (ie pdf) of the training material, or some other UIPath training that’s not VDU based?
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Now there is a book available which is for RPA beginners, Learning Robotic Process Automation. Aprat from introducing concepts of Basic RPA it also covers most of UiPath concepts as well.
@rpatech R U following this book…if yes,does it cover from basic with real time scenarios since I don’t have prior experience in RPA and completely new to this tool?
Yes. IMO, It is very good for beginners.
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I know i am alittle late to the party here, but am looking to print the training material for rpa developer and thought i would revive this topic!
Hey Maggi,
The above repository has been archived and you may access training material online .
However if your planning on distributing hardcopy then you may have to manually print(ctl+P, save as pdf ) the docs as per you requirement and may get bit tedious job .