
I am not able to find the For each row in the new version 23.8.1…after downgrading the package it is showing for each row in data table but I want only for each row Can someone help me on this…


Downgrade the packages and try once

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please click on filter button and choose classic

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Hi @Maneesh_Surya_Kumar

If you can’t find for each row in datatable activity.
=> try with updating the UiPath.System.activities
=> If you can’t after the above option, go to Activities panel → Click on the filter option → If model option is disabled, do enable it.

Hope it helps!!


Can you please recheck it ahould be available without changing anything

Else it wuld be better to close and reopen project…also rename packages folders in %UserProfile%\.nuget folder and then reopen project so that dependencies are downloaded again


I’m not able to see the disable option
in filter

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In have downgraded the package but its not showing the For each row its showing for each row in data table…Could you please help

Hi @Maneesh_Surya_Kumar

There is no For each row activity it is For each row in datatable activity only



There will be no for each row activity

For datatable we use for each row in datatable activity

For looping a collections we use for each activity



You mean for each activity? if so just scroll down you would see

If not for each row in datatable is what is used to loop through a datatable

If you need to loop on excel then for each row in excel is to be sued


Okay @Maneesh_Surya_Kumar

Check the below image in the classic option If you have modern just click on it then it will enable.
Then search for the required activity in activities panel.

If your query is not resolved then let me know and be more specific.

Hope you understand!!