I’ve noticed that although my original Excel file has cell formatting (bolded text header row, borders around all cells, column width adjusted to fit the cell contents), when using Read Range to dump it into a DataTable, the resulting output Excel files from Write Range lose the formatting. Is there a way to preserve the cell formatting into the output or are there activities to perform the appropriate cell formatting prior to Write Range?
I’m trying to avoid programming UIPath to open up each of the resulting files and perform the desired formatting like a human would.
Thank you for your quick response. I see Preserve Formatting under the Read Range Activity. I have this checked, but the output from the Write Range activity does not have the desired cell formatting (Bold text header line, borders, adjusted column width). Please see source and output image files attached.
In the attached image, I provided a screenshot of the source Excel going into Read Range and the current output from Write Range. I wish to preserve the formatting (Bold text header line, borders, adjusted column width) in the output, but currently it is not being preserved.