Unable to install the package in the latest version of UiPath.
Studio Version 2023
Please help @radu_bucur
Getting the below error in older versions, not sure if its related to SharePoint site upgrade.
The sign-in name or password does not match one in the Microsoft account system.
Welcome to the community
Sharepoint activities you are using are supported only on windows legacy compatibility…you can create a new project and use windows legacy…I see you are on windows compatibility as of now
Alternately UiPath officially has office365 activities…please try using them…they are available on windows also
And sign in error might come because of SharePoint permissions change or wrong credentials
And also recently microsoft has deprecated local credentials for access…
Thanks @Anil_G, That , means whatever the packages were developed based on Legacy wont work in the latest studio versions and I have to continue to use the Windows Legacy Compatibility though I update the studio. Else use the studio version below 2022.10.X.
Though the the project i’m talking about and getting the below error is develpoed in Windows Legacy still its not working, It used to work before not sure why all of a sudden its throwing the errors.
While connecting for same SharePoint site, For some user IDs its throws below error and for some user IDs it works without any errors any idea why it happens?
I have checked the user name and password its correct.
The sign-in name or password does not match one in the Microsoft account system
Its very difficult to implement office 365 activities as of now because of the Approvals and Permissions with Azure and graph API in the organization.
So any temporary fix with the @radu_bucur developed SharePoint package to sort this issue will help me a lot. Because lots of projects have been developed with SharePoint as Data source.
Thank you!
As of now its not upgraded and I believe with this latest office 365 upgrade there are very sleek chances that these will be upgraded also and it total depends on the creator Radu if he converts it
As for the error check if there are any permission differences for the users. Also check if they are signed users or not…
And as far as fix…you need to check why its failing…You can try opening the exception details from locals panel and check for detailed exception also and you might get some info of what the error is…
And would suggest to migrate as legacy is being removed and going forward it will be even a bigger changed…You can as well try using integration services to connect to SharePoint
As of now not in a situation to migrate all these projects.
But if you could just tell me why does it happen any idea? like update of the whole sharepoint site causing the issue? If so then how do we check it if the site has been updated.?
Looking for a bandage fix, since whole migration will take time and i need to discuss this with all the stake holders!
I dint understand the below response. What does that mean, can you please elaborate it. Whats the impact of this on all the SharePoint sites and accessing that through Radu’s activity.! How do we fix it
microsoft has deprecated local credentials for access
Appreciate! your quick response!
Hi @radu_bucur
Please update on releasing the new update for Windows or Cross platform compatibility(Supporting .net 5 or more) SharePoint activities package.
Life has become difficult:(
Hi @Dwarka_Bajaj ,
I do plan to update the package eventually, but that would take a decent chunk of time and I doubt I’ll be able to do it any time soon.
As suggested, you’re better of for now to stick to the Office365 activities, but I plan to also update the SharePoint project, if only for the sake of legacy projects
Hello @Dwarka_Bajaj , Are you able to find any solution?
Hello @radu_bucur, is there any timeline how soon the new version will be published? Things are stucked for stakeholders in Production.
Hi Akshay, unfortunately, I’m not able to provide a timeline at this point, if you need to migrate a Legacy project urgently, it’s best if you just replace the SharePoint package with the Office365 activities.
In MicrosoftOffice 365 activity package, we wont able to use sharepoint application scope…Few activities are missing?
Could you help me to resolve it, how can i replcae old sharepoint application scope with latest MSO65 package?
Hi @Dwarka_Bajaj,
Have you been able to find a workaround for below issue for Windows-legacy projects?
" The sign-in name or password does not match one in the Microsoft account system"
If yes, kindly share as we are also facing this issue currently for our legacy projects.
Hi @radu_bucur ,
Hope you are doing well.
I am reaching out to you to understand if you have been able to resolve this below issue?
The sign-in name or password does not match one in the Microsoft account system
We are also facing this issue right now for our legacy projects.
I see you have suggested to use Microsoft 365 package for windows projects as there is no windows compatible version of sharepoint package yet available.
However, above mentioned issue is related to windows legacy projects.
Hence, Can you please provide your inputs on this issue so we can plan to take necessary steps accordingly?
Thank you!
any update?
I have the same issue as well.
moving to use the Microsoft 365 package is impossible due to the organization not giving access also the effort will take much time and cost to migrate all of existing projects to use it.
Is there any update on this issue?
" The sign-in name or password does not match one in the Microsoft account system"
Project type: legacy
Sharepoint activities (v 1.7.0)
We are again facing this issue in our project.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
hack way on my side.
we are using an account outside of organization. not sure it will work on you. but you can give it try.