Sharepoint activities not working after upgrade

After upgrading to latest studio version 2022, we are unable to use sharepoint activity packages in workflow.
Tried MicrosoftO365 instead of this, but few activities are missing there and unable to use sharepoint application scope, cant able to test connection so on.

Kindly let me know any one have any resolution to this.


SharePoint activities that you are referring to are 3rd party activities …and they are not migrated to windows compatibility…if you create a project in windows-legacy then it would accessible

And may I know what activity is missing in office 365?


Yes after upgrade to windows legacy, i m facing this issue.

Sharepoint application scope, i was used in my project.
I tried O365 package, but i dint able to get it.


As mentioned…this activity that you want is only available in windows legacy and not in windows compatible projects

And you have to change all the activities not only the scope …you have to redo the task using office365 activities as they are completely different


Yes, cant we test connection using O365 activities?

You mean we have to rework on the workflow with O365 package activity?


Yes you need to rework using office365 if you are migrating to windows compatibility because you dont have any other option

And office365 connection needs an azure app to be setup please check the details …or you can use integration services as well


Ok sure, Thanks for the suggestion :slight_smile:
If we are not migrating to windows legacy latest 2022 ver, Is that old sharepoint activities gonna support with new 2022 version of orchestrator . Any idea on it.


Just to correct…windows legacy is where the activities are supported and windows is where it is not supported

If you stay on windows -legqcy compatibility only then your old activities are supported - yes


Yes i got it , i am using old 2019 version studio and publishing a package into 2022 version of orchestrator.
Is that gonna work as expected?


Yes it would…


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As of now i would suggest this, later will change the work flow with O365 .
Thanks for guldens and suggestion.
Happy Automation. :slight_smile:

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Happy Automation :blush:…just bear in mind that windows legacy is being deprecated…so for now it wont be an issue but soon migration would be a good option

Hope this helps and solves your question
