UiPath Orchestrator Admin Login Error

I’m unable to login to my test orchestrator all of a sudden - the credentials have not been changed - however it throws an invalid credentials issue, when i check the windows event logs - IIS service is unable to find the user ‘admin’ . However the DB has the admin user. Please help

This is an enterprise edition

Also - please note that I am able to login to the host and via AD

Can you check if the Orchestrator certificate was changed or expired recently?

Open the Orchestrator Event Viewer Logs and see more details about your errors.

Also, you may check if in the C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Orchestrator\UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config you have these lines:

<add key="Auth.DisableBasicAuthentication" value="true"/>
<add key="Auth.EnableBasicAuthenticationForHostTenant" value="true"/>

If yes, then you may change to:

<add key="Auth.DisableBasicAuthentication" value="false"/>

<add key="Auth.EnableBasicAuthenticationForHostTenant" value="true"/>

The certificate hasn’t expired and has not changed - the lines are added - but the issue persists

Create a new admin user and retry the behavior.

Reset Orchestrator DB password using the following query:

declare @tenantName nvarchar(max) = 'default'
declare @username nvarchar(256) = 'admin'
UPDATE [%UiPathDatabaseName%].[identity].[AspNetUsers]
Set PasswordHash='AK3FINpqU/VzL+c+VL8mbk9wH35Y22bnTnGlLcAq8KKNqj2pN+3bv0+V0qoSKLIANg==',
IsFirstLogin = 1
Id = (SELECT anu.Id
FROM [%UiPathDatabaseName%].[identity].[AspNetUsers] anu
join [%UiPathDatabaseName%].[identity].[Partitions] p on p.Id = anu.MasterPartitionId
join [%UiPathDatabaseName%].[identity].[Tenants] t on t.PartitionId = p.Id
where UserName =  @username
and t.Name = @tenantName


  • Replace “%UiPathDatabaseName%” with your Orchestrator DB name
  • Replace “default” with the name of your Tenant in declare @tenatName nvarchar(max) = ‘default’
  • Replace “admin” with your username in declare @username nvarchar(256) = ‘admin’

After running the query for the Username = “admin”, its Password will be 3edcVFR$ .

[DB].[identity].[Tenants] comes up as an invalid object name

Check your Orchestrator tables, maybe in your new version of the Orchestrator it was changed/migrated to [DB].[identity].[Tenants_Deprecated]

Tried this - it affects zero rows - so this is still an issue - can you please elaborate on how to create a new org admin? As of now the other users that have admin access are unable to access the manage access tab

Create a new tenant role and give all the permissions to it. After, add this role to the impacted “Admin” users. Let us know if this solves the issue with the required permissions.

That’s the thing - the only users able to login right now are the ones that can through AD and they are unable to access the “Manage Access” tab to add a new user/role

If you have an Enterprise license, feel free to open a ticket with UiPath Technical Support: Contact Technical Support

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