How to Troubleshoot - The User Admin is Locked Out

How to troubleshoot when due to multiple wrong attempts the admin user of Orchestrator is now locked? Kindly suggest how to unlock and get the same working?

Issue Description: Due to multiple wrong attempts the admin user of orchestrator is now locked. Kindly suggest how to unlock and get the same working.

This behavior is observed, when there are multiple unsuccessful attempts have been made due to wrong credentials.


Resolution :

By default, the user account is locked for 5 minutes [300 seconds] after 10 failed login attempts, which can be changed from the Settings window under the Security tab.


  • Kindly clear the browser cache or try out in any other browser and provide the correct credentials. 

In case the credentials are not known or forgotten, then database changes needs to be performed -

Query : [ New password : 3edcVFR$ ]


Set Password = 'AK3FINpqU/VzL+c+VL8mbk9wH35Y22bnTnGlLcAq8KKNqj2pN+3bv0+V0qoSKLIANg==', IsFirstLogin='1'

WHERE Username='admin' and Name='System' and Surname='Administrator'

Note :From 2020.4.1 onward, identity related data has been moved to new schema "identity", hence make changes in [%UIPATH ORCHESTRATOR DATABASE NAME%].[identity].[AspNetUsers] as well.