UIPath on Azure - Community Edition?

Hi all,

Has come to my attention that, in a collaboration spirit between Microsoft and UIPath, a UIPath WebApp.

I don’t seem to find a free community version

Have you any suggestion on how to put on Azure the Community Free Version

Has somebody tried UIPath on Azure to see how it works?

Thank you

you can set up a VM on Azure and install UiPath.exe. The problem though might be the free Tier in Azure limits you interms of Ram, Storage etc and UiPath recommends certain amount of Ram etc.

There is no free uiPath WebApp as far as i know. Using the above would still need a license even if its running on a free Tier

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Hi @SenzoD,

Thank you for the reply.

In the weekend a WebApp has been added on Azure, but i couldn’t try it because i have only the trial version of Azure right now and it costs more then the 170€ that you have with it.

I was curious to know what changed between the WebApp and using the Virtual Machine.

I opened this thread hoping to catch the first people to use the WebApp