Hi Guys,
I have json build format like this below ;
{‘task_id’: ‘481’, ‘tesvik_isim’: ‘27103’,‘status’: ‘Teşvikten Yararlanamazsınız’ ,‘tesvik_tutari’: ‘Teşvik Tutarı Yok’ ,‘aciklama’: ‘Sigortalı İş-Kur’a kayıtlı değil. Teşvikten faydalanılamaz.’}
I 'm using this build tempalte in my assign module
“{‘task_id’: '” + task_id + “', ‘tesvik_isim’: '” + tesvik_isim + “',‘status’: '” + status + “’ ,‘tesvik_tutari’: '” + tesvik_tutari + “’ ,‘aciklama’: '” + aciklama + “'}”
I would want to turn it like this ;
Need " after ‘aciklama’: parameter …
{‘task_id’: ‘481’, ‘tesvik_isim’: ‘27103’,‘status’: ‘Teşvikten Yararlanamazsınız’ ,‘tesvik_tutari’: ‘Teşvik Tutarı Yok’ ,‘aciklama’: “‘Sigortalı İş-Kur’a kayıtlı değil. Teşvikten faydalanılamaz.’”}
How can ı do that, anyone can help me about it . I need to add " .
Hi @webhelprparobot2
Welcome to UiPath Forum!
Please try Chr(34) by adding at begin and end.
Chr(34) + {‘task_id’: ‘481’, ‘tesvik_isim’: ‘27103’,‘status’: ‘Teşvikten Yararlanamazsınız’ ,‘tesvik_tutari’: ‘Teşvik Tutarı Yok’ ,‘aciklama’: “‘Sigortalı İş-Kur’a kayıtlı değil. Teşvikten faydalanılamaz.’”} + Chr(34)
Thanks for reply mate,
When ı try to all dt table to json ı have one more problem too ;
I tried json.searilize method on dt_table but there is one problem on task_id object, its coming REAL format- ı need it on string my result like this ;
[{“task_id”:509.0,“tesvik_isim”:“55ON”,“status”:“Teşvikten Yararlanabilirsiniz”,“tesvik_tutari”:“178,88 TL”,“aciklama”:“Kazanç :3.577,50 TL”}
How do I convert task_id : 509.0 to task_id: “509” I need it like this ,;
[{“task_id”:“509”,“tesvik_isim”:“55ON”,“status”:“Teşvikten Yararlanabilirsiniz”,“tesvik_tutari”:“178,88 TL”,“aciklama”:“Kazanç :3.577,50 TL”}
Need to change 509.0 to “509” how can ı do that ?
Could you please help me about it?
Hi @webhelprparobot2
Are you able to change the value of task_id before serialize method ?
If not you can use replace activity but the drawback is that you have to provide integer variable as String for replacement.
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September 7, 2021, 7:05am
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