UiPath Insights Course

Hello everyone,The UiPath Insights course is now available.

The 2 hrs long course is designed to help RPA COE members (COE Leads, RPA Developers, Solution Architects, Business Analysts, Implementation Managers, RPA Admins) and Business users (Analysts, Process and Business Owners, Executive Leadership) that are looking to understand the analytics solution for measuring RPA deployments on our platform.

At the end of it you should be able to:

  • Define what UiPath Insights is;
  • Describe the benefits of using UiPath Insights;
  • Analyze operational and strategic KPIs by using the four out-of-the-box dashboards: Processes, Jobs, Queues and Business ROI;
  • Customize widgets and dashboards;
  • Add custom data into UiPath Insights;
  • Create and manage alerts by using the Pulse feature;
  • Share dashboards with other members in the organization.


You can leave feedback for this course here:

Happy Learning, everyone!


Are there any out-of-the-box Insights dashboards for Test Management?

Not at the moment but you should expect them when the Test Suite product integrates fully with Insights!

Thanks, and when might that happen? Is it this year?

Probably not this year no, but the team is prioritizing this effort!

Thanks, MIchelle. Do you know when it’s prioritised for? It’d be good for UiP customers to know these things, so they can make informed decisions whether to wait or use something else.

@Gernot_Brandl perhaps you can give some insight here?

he must be on holiday…

Back from holidays, sorry for the delay.

Indeed, not likely to be this year but we are trying our best to get it working as soon as possible.

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