The package has many activities to help making the PowerPoint automation activities easier
The following activities are included:
PowerPoint Scope - opens a PowerPoint and keeps the instance with it.
It will be used by child activities. When the execution of this activity ends, the specified PowerPoint is closed. This will happen after the execution of all child activities This activity can only be used if the Microsoft PowerPoint application is installed on the machine.
Insert Picture – insert a picture in a specific slide and specific position with height and width.
It can only be used together with the PowerPoint Scope activity.
Find & Replace - activates the Find and Replace functionality in a specified slide.
It can only be used together with the PowerPoint Scope activity.
Find & Replace Dictionary - activates the Find and Replace text from the dictionary functionality in a specified slide. This single functionality can replace more words at a time.
Refresh Data - refresh the chart data.
It can only be used together with the PowerPoint Scope activity.
Save As - activates the Save as functionality.
Slide Count - counts the slides available in the PowerPoint file.
Insert Text Box – inserts a text box in a specified position within the slide.
Slide Copy - copies the slide to the clipboard.
Slide Paste - pasts the slide to the clipboard.
Delete Images - deletes all the images from a specified slide.
One of the user @RAMESH_REDDY (User from YouTube.). He asked that how to insert multiple images inside powerpoint.
Here you have PowerPoint Scope Activity. Inside you can use the Insert Picture Activity in multiple times or get the slide count(Using Slide Count activity).Do the loop and insert the images.
Can I get a chart for generic column , “A:B”?
For now I can see that “A1:B4” is the valid way of generating a chart, but I want to generate a chart for all the data present under the column A and B(which can be of variable length).
Also if I want to generate a chart between only two columns A and C, how can I generate chart for those rows .
Hi @balupad14, thank you so much for these activities. I am using the insert textbook activity to add some text to a bunch of slides, I am able to pass the text with the correct font, size, and position on the slides. Is there any way to change the color of the text getting sent to PowerPoint?
I have uploaded the new version that has the feature to change the font color . I have added new property called “RGB Font Color” . It is an integer one. you can able to get more site that to search in google that to convert the RGB to integer. I found one in the below . Using this can able to convert the RGB to integer.
Thanks Bala. I tried this, but still getting the same error. As soon as i click install and then save, it gives a notification that the package can’t be installed.
Hi I was playing around with the activity and I noticed that for the Find & Replace function, it will only replace the first instance of the Find word in each object.
Will there be a potential update so that all instances of the find word is replaced?
Thanks for your contribution! When trying to Find & Replace it gives me the error:
“Find&Replace: Presentation (unknown member): This presentation is read-only and must be saved with a different name.” But it is not an read-only file.
When I try “Refresh Data” it gives me the following exception:
“Refresh Data: Exception from HRESULT: 0x800AC472” And for some weird reason it opens Excel.