UiPath freezes at "Adding Dependencies" for 20 minutes or more

Hi forum,

I am a passionate of UiPath, but for some months I have been experiencing a problem that is really frustrating.
Every single time that I start my robot (a robot that interacts with Excel and is most of the time on, doing some automated tasks) UiPath gets stucked for 20 minutes or more in “Adding Dependencies”… of course completely frozen.
After these 20-30 minutes pass, I can normally start the process of the robot and it works perfectly.

But if by any chance I close UiPath and start it again… the process repeats!
This would never happen before (2018.3 was not giving this problem). It was after the update 2018.4 that I started experiencing these problems. I have uninstalled completely UiPath and installed the newest version today, but the problem is exactly the same.

This situation is taking a lot of precious time for me, and it would be great if any of you has an idea of why this is constantly happening to me.


PS: I am using Community edition.


To bring some more details to the topic… I just finished to load my robot after 30 fantastic minutes, and I got some info from the log. There are two errors that repeat quite often:

21:11:46.1217 => [ERROR] [UiPath.Studio.exe] [4] $LoadAssembly: UiPath.Vision, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: No se puede cargar el archivo o ensamblado ‘Emgu.CV.World, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’ ni una de sus dependencias. El sistema no puede encontrar el archivo especificado.
File name: ‘Emgu.CV.World, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’

21:11:50.6144 => [ERROR] [UiPath.Studio.exe] [4] $LoadAssembly: Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Auth, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: No se puede cargar el archivo o ensamblado 'Microsoft.IdentityModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=***’ ni una de sus dependencias. El sistema no puede encontrar el archivo especificado.
File name: ‘Microsoft.IdentityModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=*******’

HResult -2147024894

These two errors keep repearing from 21:11 to 21:38, when it loads correctly

@CarloBeast - I too see this error in my logs but it does not cause my Studio to start up slowly.
This is some issue with the UiPath Vision package and the Emgu.CV.World.dll version I would suggest to uninstall and reinstall UiPath Vision package and also try installing Emgu CV package and see if it helps.

@sreenivasm will try this for sure. I have realized as well that if I try to update the packages once the robot is loaded, the same problem happens (it freezes for a lot of time… in fact it is still frozen).
This particular robot uses some old packages I guess…

@CarloBeast - I was able to get rid of this error in my system, by uninstalling UiPath Vision, installing Emgu CV and then re-installing UiPath Vision.

On a side note, do you have a stable internet connection?

@sreenivasm will do it right now (after that Walt Disney robot goes back to life haha). Yes, I have wired connection, 600 Mbps so that is definitely not the issue.


@CarloBeast - Also if your project does not need all the packages listed in the Project Dependencies, please delete the unnecesssary ones. That will also help in speeding up your project startup in Studio.

Hello @CarloBeast Did you got any solution for this issue? Kindly share…!

@loginerror , @Pablito - Can you guys please help us with this issue?

Hi. This is quite old topic. Could you share some more details? What is your Studio version? Are you using any VPN or Proxy? Could you share some screens and details about the operating system etc? This will help us to investigate the case.

Hello @Pablito Hope you are doing good.
Thanks for the swift response. :slight_smile:

I agree that it’s a old topic but it is occurring for me more than a month recently. Thus looking for help and found this topic in the past. Please check below for the details you asked.
Studio & Orchestrator Version : 2020.10.2 - Licensed.
We have 2 server for Development with one bot each, Currently in one I am facing issue which has no internet(As per requirement). And I tested the same process which takes 20mins in the “server without internet” to the “server with internet”, Luckily it opens the process in less than 1 min in the server with internet. So I guess some problem with the studio in the server without internet. I checked the logs and found that many packages are failed to load and went in timeout which caused this 20min drag. If you want, Let me know I will share the exported output logs for both the server for the same process

And lately I have added internet to the server which doesn’t have internet and tried opening the process, It worked fine. So the issue is when internet is not there it takes 20mins to load up. Please advice to overcome this issue as we need one server to be without internet.

I tried deleting the project.json file and opened the project and added the required dependencies, Still the same issue.

I believe the proper packages need to be placed in a dedicated folder from which the offline environment will take them. I don’t want to give you a wrong hint that’s why I would like you to contact our Technical Support. You can also open an account on the https://customerportal.uipath.com/. Our technicians should be able to support you and solve the problem quickly :slight_smile:

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Thank you for the prompt response. I am checking the issue with the Technical support as you sugested.

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Hello @Sathanand
Have you found a solution? I face with the same problem.

Hi @Kirill1992 - Yes, My issue is solved by the UiPath Tech support. Just raise a UiPath Support Ticket, They will guide you with certain steps to commend out few lines in the config file based on your issues.

Hi. Thx for your reply. I’ve already found a solution too - for our team the problem was lack of the Internet access due to the security policy on the machine where the project runs.

Hi @Kirill1992 , welcome. We faced the same issue due to lack of internet access due to project requirements. May I know how did you resolve the issue?