UiPath Freelance Job for US eCommerce Amazon Company

Hi - we’re hiring a UiPath dev to help with various eCommerce related automation tasks, including:

  1. Scraping Amazon, Walmart, and other pages (from Amazon US and other Amazon global sites)
  2. CSV file merging, comparing, computing and related formulas, including imports from excel, Google sheets, etc.
  3. Syncing data via Amazon API or csv files
  4. Sales and order process automations, and many related tasks

We are looking to hire immediately, and this may be a full-time opportunity once we get past the trial phase. Must have solid proven experience and be able to show advanced UiPath automation and workflows as samples.

Please forward experience and why you’re a good fit for this role. Thanks.


you can also contact me via naeem(at)socialcurb(dot)com

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I want to know more about this job

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Interested, please share some use case so that i can get an actual idea of the job
For my skills you can check out my LinkedIn Profile

[quote=“pykid, post:4, topic:174657”]
Interested, please share some use case so that i can get an actual idea of the job
For my skills you can check out my LinkedIn Profile

Hello @naeem
Welcome To Our Community
I am Interested. Check Your Inbox

please contact me via email or skype: txnaeem

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I am interested. Please contact me through sunil141989@gmail.com


Are you still looking for any developers?
I’m Official UiPath Certified candidate having 3+ years of experiance.
you can also contact me at y.abhinandan@gmail.com