Hello everyone. Using C# and Studio, I am trying to pass in an In Argument to the post-23.4 version of Forms of type List to dynamically populate a multi-select dropdown, but I am running into a few issues.
**First, ** to explain the use case… this is an attended robot that opens a Form where the multi-select dropdown is dynamically populated to include a list of my company’s projects. For example, let’s say the List is passed in as follows: List<string> projectNames = new List<string>() { "CompanyA", "CompanyB", "CompanyC" }
We will use this list to identify which of our projects we want to crawl through to test the validity of their respective public-facing links. These project names are retrieved from a locally stored file.
**Moving on to the issues - ** while the Form is successfully taking in the List, it presents itself with a few issues:
The multi-select dropdown automatically selects all the fields that have been passed in. In the example I provided earlier: at runtime, the form would automatically have “CompanyA”, “CompanyB”, and “CompanyC”, pre-selected instead of nested under the dropdown as you might expect.
Since this is passed as an In Argument, I cannot retrieve the selected values back.
If I modify the argument to be in In/Out argument, I can technically retrieve the values but a) the dropdown still pre-selects everything and b) whenever I deselect a project from the dropdown, it disappears as an option altogether - preventing the user from reselecting the project.
I have searched through several of the forum posts, and cannot quite find a clear answer on how to accomplish this post-23.4. I believe this was a feature available before, but not now. Please let me know if you need more information. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!