Uipath Failed to read large XML files. Any fixes?

Installer(.exe or .msi): 2019.6.0

License type(Free, Trial/License code): Community Edition

Studio/Robot version: 2019.6.0

Current behavior: We are doing a UiPath POC process assessment for a client. As per the process, UiPath robot has to read both XML files which has sent from source application to destination application, compare the data whether transferred properly or anything is missing. If missing then robot need to send an email alert. Everything is smooth till here.

However, when we got a sample file from the client and tried to read it using Uipath. Uipath is throwing the below error. We found few similar threads in UiPath forum, but none of them have answers to this error. Can you help with your technical team for this? We need to revert to the client if the process automation possibility is there, considering this error. So would be great for an early connect with your tech team.


Hi @Rajesh18

There are indeed a few topics about it when you search the Forum. I found this post, which seems to be most useful and worth giving a try:

It will guide you to this documentation article:

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Hey loginerror I am unable to find the maxReceivedMessageSize in my UiPath.Service.Host.exe.config file. I am running 2020.4.1 sutdio. Would the version of my studio affect where the maxReceivedMessageSize would be?