Uipath extract table data text disapear

Good afternoon, I’m creating a program in UiPath studio and when I try to extract the web table the column information disappears, i am using Extract table data activitie. Can you help?
2023-10-16 16_03_05-LN


Welcome to the community

After you extract is it disappearing on the webpage?

Or in extraction?

If in extraction please check the preview first if the data is coming or not


It’s during the extraction process that when I select the column, the information disappears, and in the preview, it reads and recognizes that there is a column but doesn’t display the information


What kind of a table is this?

And does it remove the values even manually ?


No, this is a web page, and the values are inserted automatically. You can’t delete the column value; the only thing you can do is delete the entire row. The column I am trying to extract is like the table’s ID column


Try to use find children activity and check if that works and construct the table as needed


How do i get 1 column from de table anda then print the values os each cell using that option?
Tanks for your help.


Indicate only one column in find children…then it will find only those column values

you can loop the output of find children in for loop and can use get text to get the value


If I search for another column, it can automatically fetch the value of the column, but for this the result is 1 column with many rows, and is it possible for me to format this into several columns?

in this case the information that unfortunately I cannot show but the information from the leftmost column already appears but if I extract directly through that column it disappears

as you can see if i select the first column it disaears


Can you please explain a little more as not able to follow you


I believe i already found a solution.
Thanks a lot for your time and for your help, if i need help i will ask again.