UiPath Executer has stopped working

Hello Everyone,

when I am running my process through studio, I am continuously getting the error “UiPath Executer has stopped working”. Almost 8 out of 10 times, I am getting this error.
In my workflow I am calling multiple .xaml files using invoke workflow activity, as this is very huge project. Also in some .xaml files I am extensively using data tables(cloning), but at the end of each workflow I am also clearing data table.

Anyone has any idea what can be cause of this and what are the possible workaround for this?
I saw some threads regarding same issue, but doesn’t seems any proper solution.

Also the data tables that I am using, are not very huge. it contains around 70 rows and 10 columns.

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Did we try reinstalling the application and try once
With proper application initialisation this can be managed (as you say you have large number of data input)
Using Kill process we can kill all the applications that is involved along the process where mention the application.exe name in ProcessName property

Cheers @Gaurav21

Hi Palaniyappan,

Application you mean re installation of Uipath studio?
i can not reinstall it, as i am using client network, re installation will need lots of approvals.
Also i dint said i had large number of data inputs, I have only 70 rows in datatable, but yes as the process is very complicated I am invoking lots of workflows.
Also before each excel I am using kill process activity.