UiPath Document Understanding - The Document Understanding Process Template in Studio - Additional exercise

Submit your additional exercise workflow

  1. Upload the following files:
  • Zip format of the Dispatcher and Document Understanding Template solution (including the Config file).

  • Answer the following questions in the Forum space:

  • Did you train an OOTB model for the Purchase Order model? (Yes/ No)
  • What was your approach in deciding the number of documents used for initial model training?
  • What was your thought process in using the extra documents provided to perform the model training and splitting?
  • What was your thought process behind the logic you created for the validation rules? Provide a brief explanation of the rationale behind your chosen approach.
  • Zip file of the exported dataset from Document Manager (if model training was used).

  • Screen recording (less than 3 minutes) or screenshots of the bot execution covering validation screens.
    Note: the recording should only cover the bot execution and not the code demo.

  1. Openly discuss any issues or doubts by including screenshots for clarity and receive guidance from UiPath MVP if you encounter roadblocks in the advanced exercise.

  2. Expect swift feedback as the MVP reviews workflows and offers suggestions every Wednesday of the week.

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Hi @Melisa_Miranda @Lahiru.Fernando

Please find the attached workflows and dataset you have mentioned. Also please note the below answers for the queries you have asked:

  1. Did you train an OOTB model for the Purchase Order model? - Yes

  2. What was your approach in deciding the number of documents used for initial model training? - I used the 19 documents downloaded from academy for training

  3. What was your thought process in using the extra documents provided to perform the model training and splitting? - Used all the unique documents for training and left the duplicate ones

  4. What was your thought process behind the logic you created for the validation rules? Provide a brief explanation for the rationale behind your chosen approach. - Modified the workflow ‘InvoicePostProcessing.xaml’ to ‘PurchaseOrderPostProcessing.xaml’ and made necessary changes to adapt PO taxonomy. Finally added the 2 business validations mentioned in the excersice along with the rest of the validation checks in the same workflow.

DU_ProcessTemplateChallenge_Dispatcher.zip (49.5 KB)

DU_ProcessTemplateChallenge_Performer.zip (1.9 MB)

POProcessingDataset_24-03-30T132631.zip (2.1 MB)

UiPath_DU_ProcessTemplateChallenge-Video.zip (8.0 MB)

Waiting for your feedback.
Adharsh Chandran

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Hello @ACJS

Let me have a look at your files and get back to you with feedback. Allow me sometime and I will reply to you here :slight_smile:


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Hi @Melisa_Miranda, @Lahiru.Fernando: not sure where to post my questions below, assumed this could be a good forum, if not, please share some instructions to repost the questions, appreciate your help.

  1. Is it possible for any UiPath solution to consume Client environment specific tools & technologies like Security (ex: Keycloak) & Logging (ex: Kibana)? If can be integrated, is this built into UiPath core framework? or would it require custom facade to allow the integration? Applicable use case: A client needs visibility of every transaction to manage security related events and have central IT application & process logs for easy management of variety of run time issues & pro-active management of these via alerts to IT owners.
  2. Can DOU process at run time understand which asset queue to use based on the document type instead of hard coding queue name in the config file? as well instead of pre-creating the queue, can DOU create asset queue based on the content type for cleaner separation of processing? Applicable use case: A client may need visibility of all job queues segmented for each doc type that they process.
  3. Does ‘Catalog’ in Action Center closely relate to ‘Business Queue Name’ from UiPath solution implementation perspective? For example, a business department has many business teams, roles and many processes occur (with process dependencies from sequential or a hybrid parallel process execution), in this case for business teams, better to be able to create ‘Action Center’ queue specific to a business process or sub-process or step/activity for cleaner separation of the effort for that business team alone. Essentially this leads orchestrating an automation solution with ‘Action Center’ queues belonging to each business team & role.
  4. In case of trigger or even based execution of an UiPath Automation solution, possible to integrate with event solutions like RabbitMQ? As an example, in a loosely coupled, distributed & producer-subscriber based architectures, clients already may have meaningful events (like RabbitMQ) being produced (prior to UiPath Automation adoption) in the current state for consumption of another process.

Thanks for your time.

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Hello @Madhukar_Dongari

Here is my attempt to answer the questions you had :slight_smile:

  1. Is it possible for any UiPath solution to consume Client environment specific tools & technologies like Security (ex: Keycloak) & Logging (ex: Kibana)? If can be integrated, is this built into UiPath core framework? or would it require custom facade to allow the integration? Applicable use case: A client needs visibility of every transaction to manage security related events and have central IT application & process logs for easy management of variety of run time issues & pro-active management of these via alerts to IT owners.

Yes it is possible. UiPath has some built in integrations as well as several connectors to connect with any external application. You can search for related activities (dependencies) to use in the workflows. In addition, you can use Integaration Services to build your own connector or use prebuilt connectors to connect with any application. Using these, you can send the execution logs to monitoring tools. This way, the security team can monitor the bot executions and track any security issues.

  1. Can DOU process at run time understand which asset queue to use based on the document type instead of hard coding queue name in the config file? as well instead of pre-creating the queue, can DOU create asset queue based on the content type for cleaner separation of processing? Applicable use case: A client may need visibility of all job queues segmented for each doc type that they process.

It is possible to write a workflow that determines which queue to use based on the document type. You must define it in the config or based on business rules in the flow. However, I do not recommend creating queues during runtime. This gives the flow an unnecessary complexity and it becomes very hard to track what got created, which item got into which queue, and which got dropped. The best method would be to use a predefined set of queues and use Reference, and Specific Content to hold the information the client needs to track. You can also use this information to generate reports if client needs more visibility.

  1. Does ‘Catalog’ in Action Center closely relate to ‘Business Queue Name’ from UiPath solution implementation perspective? For example, a business department has many business teams, roles and many processes occur (with process dependencies from sequential or a hybrid parallel process execution), in this case for business teams, better to be able to create ‘Action Center’ queue specific to a business process or sub-process or step/activity for cleaner separation of the effort for that business team alone. Essentially this leads orchestrating an automation solution with ‘Action Center’ queues belonging to each business team & role.

Technically it does not refer to the Queues. However, you can use the Catalog similar to the Folder structure we have in Orchestrator. For example, you can have different nested folders for business units and its teams.

Say you have a main folder for the Finance department. In this folder, you can have many other subfolders for each business unit.

You can create Action Catalogs in action center in each of these folders. This way, you can separate the action tasks for each business unit. This also allows users to see only what they work with.

  1. In case of trigger or even based execution of an UiPath Automation solution, possible to integrate with event solutions like RabbitMQ? As an example, in a loosely coupled, distributed & producer-subscriber based architectures, clients already may have meaningful events (like RabbitMQ) being produced (prior to UiPath Automation adoption) in the current state for consumption of another process.

This could be possible through Integration Service because we need to monitor an external application. Try to see if any of the connectors support triggers for your need. You can also try building your connector and create triggers for it.

I hope this helps.
Let me know if you need any further assistance…


Thanks @Lahiru.Fernando, appreciate your help.

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Hi @Lahiru.Fernando! Are you still involved with UiPath? Are you still reviewing challenges? There isn’t anybody else who is capable doing reviews?

This spot (as well as the previous one, module ’ Build a Document Understanding Automation in Studio’ ) seems to be another ‘dead-end’ gorge!

No communication/interaction since Sep 2023! What is the use of these classrooms?

Hi @van-der-kamp

Sorry for not being around for a while. I got involved with some R & D work related to Gen AI and AI Agents in UiPath products. It took most of my time limiting me from doing certain things.

I am back now and I will be available to review the submissions.
