UiPath Document OCR standalone Docker deployment


I am using UiPath Community plan.
I am trying to install standalone UiPath Document OCR using docker following instructions below:

I have docker installed in my windows machine.
I have created an azure account as well.

What should I use for user id and password for the following command:

  1. To install UiPath OCR standalone docker container, run these commands:

docker login aiflprodweacr.azurecr.io -u *** -p **

I have tried, using Azure credentials but I got error message:
Error response from daemon: Get https://aiflprodweacr.azurecr.io/v2/: unauthorized: Application not registered with AAD.

Could you please kindly help.


Could anyone please kindly help me.

Hi @Titir_Santra thanks for reaching out,

Standalone Uipath Document OCR is only available to Enterprise customers or Enterprise Trial customers. You can use the cloud endpoint https://du.uipath.com/ocr using a Community Key however.


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Hi @alexcabuz ,

Thanks for replying. The link https://du.uipath.com/ocr is not working.


Hi @Titir_Santra that is not a link but a cloud service. You can paste it into your Digitize activity in a RPA workflow like this, see Endpoint property.

or in the Data Manager OCR configuration:



I was create uipath and using plan enterprise trial. and I try to docker login using azure account and uipath account but still get error message : Error response from daemon: Get https://aiflprodweacr.azurecr.io/v2/: unauthorized: Application not registered with AAD.

is there step missing?