Automating real world business processes that transcend multiple systems often requires working with complex business data to be stored temporarily or permanently. In such situations, two common challenges faced by developers are to figure out a location to store and manipulate the data, and being able to consistently work with all the different variables (sometimes as many as 100) across your workflows.
In addition, centers of excellence (CoEs) face the challenge of understanding how and where all intermediary data is being stored/accessed to ensure that critical business data is not being left around on users’ or robot machines, file shares, or cloud storage services.
I am happy to introduce our newest offering, UiPath Data Service, to help with these challenges. UiPath Data Service brings powerful no-code data modeling and storage capabilities to your Robotic Process Automation (RPA) projects. Data Service is designed to be fully integrated with UiPath Studio and UiPath Robots, allowing you to build powerful automations that can leverage capabilities like rich relational data types, integrated security, and instantaneous provisioning and deployments without worrying about scale.
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