UiPath Connect messaging capability will soon be decomissioned

Hello, UiPath Community! :wave:

:mega: This is a short post letting everyone know that the messaging feature on UiPath Connect will soon be discontinued to make room for other platform enhancements. :mega:

Also, if you want to save any important messages or conversations, please do so separately until the 10th of August as your inbox will no longer be available past this date.

We are not sure if or when this feature will make a comeback, but we hope you’ve had a good experience with it. As an alternative, you can still use UiPath Forum’s messaging capability and connect directly to a community member.

In order to focus on features that improve your automation journey through UiPath Connect and UiPath Marketplace, we encourage you to send us insights using our public Product Portal.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for using and contributing to UiPath Connect! :partying_face:


Thank you @Mara_Pitiga