UIPath Completed Workflows Documentation

Hi All,

I need to provide documentation on many of my workflows.
There is a TDD generator on the marketplace but it is not compatible to the latest Studio version.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you


It’s difference of project compatibility. The library is only compatible with Legacy compatibility. You got two options.

  1. You can use Legacy compatibility template or project.
  2. Wait till the developer to update it for Windows compatibility.

Ashok :slight_smile:

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It depends on which type of documentation

  • technical related:
  • process releated:

for process related documentations we can do:

  • recordings (video, UiPath)
    • we achieved also good results by running the bot, using task capture for recording and then post editing the result (e.g. as PDD)

for technical related documentations we have little options like:

  • Excel export
  • Diagram export
  • Custom analyzers e.g. on XAML level (with XQuery, XSLT)
  • Collecting information by ORC Manager, Rest API…
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in such case

  • ask the author if there are any plans to upgrade it to Windows compatibility
  • build your own alternate (options as mentioned above)
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Thank you @ppr and @ashokkarale

Ill try the two options, will get back to you.

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Only an update, waiting for some guiding steps from the developer.

Another update,

Will check this and provide feedback.

Hi Everyone

I got the TDD generator to work.

Steps I followed

  1. Windows to Windows Legacy - Downloaded version 22.10.14 via “Enterprise for free”/About/Downloads/Enterprise versions/
  2. Installed this outside my current environment
  3. Copied over the flow to the same environment
  4. Created the new project from version 22.10.14
  5. Installed the TDD generator package from the market place
  6. Used the activity “Autogenerate TDD”

The output is a good starting point, but will add the ideas of @ppr (Excel and Diagram exports) to the doc.

Thank you all for the contribution

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