my free Community Edition licence has expired, so once I open UIPath it ask me to renew my Free Licence.
I click on it and I’ve been routed to a web form in order to ask renwal for licence.
I’ve submitted, but when I try to activate I got following error:
Activation failed with error: 0
Error description: No Error
License status: Server License Expired
I even tried to close and open again UIPath, but nothing changed.
Delete existing license folder( before delete backup the license folder)
start → run → type "%Programdata%, it will open new windows then UiPath-> UiPath-> License folder
Restart UiPath service
open UiPath it will prompt you for activation. activate UiPath studio.
Hi, I just deleted UiPath folder from both %programdata% and %localappdata% locations and restarted the system. After that I installed again but issue still persists. Your advice please…
Yes I had raised a ticket and they are saying that as this is CE, they cant help, I need to post the issue on forum. Can anybody explain what the issue is?
Community Edition doesn’t require a license and therefore should never expire. Are you sure you are using CE? If it is CE then it absolutely is a UiPath problem to deal with in which case I will raise it.
Check what text you get when UiPath loads and send a screenshot.
I used to have UiPath Studio version installed on my Laptop and it expired a week ago. So I downloaded the CE and installed it. After installation I’m getting the error. I deleted the UiPath folder from %programdata% and %localappdata% folder and installed again but not working. This is the full story.
i am facing problem to open my community edition. i am getting licence activate popup. i have renewal licence in uipath community edition site. but getting same problem.
Activation failed with error: 0
Error description: No Error
License status: Device ID already activated, trial not allowed after code activation.
enter all your information followed by device id (Whenever your try to renew Ui Path Studio, in window device id pops up copy that ), device id looks like this “WO+qHurN6qO5A9u7vDha”, and submit it
you will get this message "Unleash the Robots!
Thank you for submitting the form. Your license has been updated, please restart UiPath Studio Community. "
Start your Ui Path studio, pop up will get open enter your email id device id (if asked). you will get below message “Thank you! UiPath was successfully activated on your computer”
if above worked for you then then forget to like the post. comments are welcome
use the steps given on uipath document, I follow it and all get resolved, initially with community edition I was not able to activate my studio. to make working I changed license configuration file and add the proxy settings using in network, all working now.
Add the following elements to the file:
IA , where IA is the IP address of your device
PN , where PN is the Port Number of your network
UN , where UN is the desired username
PW , where PW is the desired password