UiPath Assistant fails to download processes

My assistant can no longer download processes from my tenant on the cloud orchestator. Version is 2020.10.2. Viewing the orchestrator settings on the assistant shows the correct values and a status of “Connected, Licensed”. Looking at the application events, I’m seeing a stack dump at:
Cleared my-domain\my-username processes: UiPath.Service.Orchestrator.Clients.OrchestratorHttpException: You are not authorized to perform this action!
at UiPath.Service.Orchestrator.OrchestratorClientExtensions.d__8.MoveNext()

Does anyone have any thoughts? Thanks for any help.


More info. It definitely looks like an authentication issue. I noticed something peculiar. I’m using the community edition of Studio. If I look in the license allocations, I now see that I have 2 of 0 “Studio - Named User” and 0 of 2 “StudioPro - Named User”. If I were to guess, my licensing has changed from Studio to StudioPro for an unknown reason and now my Studio based installs fail to authenticate. However I have no idea how to straighten this out.

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