UI Path Error: for "Select Item: Activity, Attribute not supported by the current UiNode

I’m using Ui Path and trying to automate an manual work, which filling the fields in the website URL page from an excel sheet.(FYI: I’ve put all the required fields texts/numbers in the required format in this excel)

In the website page (using Mozilla Firefox) to fill one of the field, in UiPath workflow I’ve used the activity “Select Item”, and for the “Item to select” I gave the variable name which was created (this variable should pull the data from excel for this activity).

Error/problem: The RPA goes to the field in the webpage precisely and click on the empty field, but does not type the data stored in the variable, instead it types last letter of the variable name. (for example if variable name is Sales, RPA bot types ‘s’ in the field)

Error message I see in UiPath: "Select Item: Activity, Attribute not supported by the current UiNode

Instead of “Select Item” activity, I also tried with “Type Into”, still the Bot does not read and write the data from variable

I’ve also cross checked strict selector, target and other aspects in the properties, everything looks fine.

Need your assistance here.

Appreciate your help in advance.

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@rajsekhar_reddy Try by using two click activity one is to click dropdown and another one is to select the dropdown value by passing variable in selector.


For select item if that does not work…then use click to open the dropdown and then click to select the item

If it is not visisble then you can perform scroll and click once found…for this you can use while loop and inside chekc app state to check if the value is found…then click and break the loop if not found scroll… so the loop runs till found and click happens…
