Ui Explorer grouping selector issue

Hi Team, I am working on amazon seller page automation process.

  • I need to check the status of Highlighted icon , Download (Initial its in process state after some time its in download )

  • Earlier my selector was working but now its not working, But now grouping selector not working

(If i am not wrong Fn+ f6 need to press before selecting the control or i am missing any thing , Please suggest if any other approach )

SyntaxEditor Code Snippet

Hi @JSR_Techno_Talk_s

Consider the idx attribute in the selector editor which contains 2 value. Take a counter variable and pass it to that attribute in the place of value 2. Increase the counter value. Then it will click every download button in the web browser.

Hope it helps!!

I need to click on First report only , Not all report

Then create a int variable type variable and make the value as 2. Pass the value to the same idx attribute.


I believe your browser might be updated…please check this for the details
