i am currently working on a process where i need to automate a web application. The automation process requires me to fill a simple input text field with a specific text and then press the tab key.
However, I have the phenomenon that in 1% of the cases the corresponding module throws an exception: “Type Into production order number: Timeout reached”.
Before I write into the UiElement I use the “FindElement” method to get a UiPath.Core.UiElement object. Using this object I then execute the “TypeInto” method.
To avoid possible errors by the TypeInto method, I set the tip type to “Default”. Unfortunately this has not changed.
Does anyone of you have a hint what this error is caused by?
In Scrren shot of Type into , i am not able to see the selector , are you not using any selector
and for Find Element , In Properties , chcek the check box for WaitVisible, for your , element was not visible
Scrren shot of Type into , i am not able to see the selector , are you not using any selector
and for Find Element , In Properties , chcek the check box for WaitVisible, for your , element was not visible
I use the UiPath.Core.UiElement from the “FindElement” Method (on top of the screen shot). Bevore I used a UiPath.Core.UiElement object I tried the same senario with a default selector. But the same exception was thrown.
@Robin , Instead of FInd element you told right you used selector and got the same error … can you share the selector what you are using in Find Element?
However, I am afraid that this is not a selector problem. Because otherwise an error like “Selektor Not Found” should eventually occur.
In this case it is a “Time Out” exception.
Could you try it by having the Find Element activity output your UI element to a variable and then use that variable in the target of your Type Into activity?
That’s exactly how I’ve handled it up to now. I used the UiPath.Core.UiElement object from the “FindeElement” method to write to the field. This does not work.
The FindeElement method is only a temporary solution to avoid that the error is caused by the selector. Since I could exclude that now, I removed the “FindeElement” method and put its selector (as before) into the “TypeInto” method.
In both variants the error occurs. The stupid thing about this web application is that it is constantly rebuilt by JavaScript. This makes automation very difficult.
I am afraid that there is no reasonable fix for this problem yet. I just think it’s a pity that the exact cause is so unclear. In the meantime I have configured a retry over the whole process (REframewor). This has reduced the error rate once again.