Trying To Use API To Download File

I’m trying to use the Orchestrator HTTP API to download a package (DownloadPackage endpoint), using either the HTTP Request activity or the Orchestrator HTTP Request activity. I started with the Orchestrator HTTP Request activity, but the problem I ran into was that the only option for the output is in the string variable called JSONResponse. This obviously wasn’t working because the api tries to return a nuget file, which is incompatible with the string type.

The HTTP Request activity allows you to specify a download path, but the problem I am facing is that I do not know how to get my access_token that is required to authenticate. I log in to Orchestrator using SAML 2.0, rather than a username and password. The only way I’m aware of to get my access token is to use the authenticate api endpoint, which seems to require a username and password. Is there any other way for me to get my access token?


You can create an external application and access the token from there…ince you add you would get client id and secret

Steps reference


Try this article after you crated your external application in Orchestrator tenant.