API auth from external app in version 2021.4

I have an issue obtaining the access token for the cloud API for orchestrator v2021.4.
As per External Apps documentation I have created an external app and obtained the ‘App Id’ and ‘App secret’

Now, as per API Documentation I am trying to authenticate using Client Credentials, which corresponds with my external app configuration.

I am sending a POST request to the following url:

{base url}/identity/connect/token

headers = {‘Content-type’: “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”}
data = {
“grant_type”: “client_credentials”,
“client_id”: “{App Id}”,
“client_secret”: “{App secret}”

Expected Result:
the endpoint responds with an Access Token, as per documentation

Real result:
json response:
{‘error’: {‘code’: ‘UnsupportedApiVersion’,
‘message’: “The HTTP resource that matches the request URI ‘http s://cloud.uipath.com/*******/orchestrator_/identity/connect/token’ does not support HTTP method ‘POST’.”,
‘innerError’: None}}

Hi @Petru_Tanas

Welcome to our UiPath Forum! :slight_smile:

Could you try this for the endpoint?

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Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, this did not work, as it is exactly the base url I have tried.
To provide more clarity, the following endpoints have been tested:


Results in the error in question


Results in the error in question


Results in 404 error

If you are using Cloud Orchestrator API please use this documentation: Accessing UiPath Resources Using External Applications

You will notice that the cloud endpoints are different for the Automation Cloud they have an ‘_’ after Identity:



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