Trying to merge data tables using merge activity,getting ouput but not as expected

Trying to merge data tables getting ouput but are not side by side but the second data table is getting down i donno why!!! thanks for any help!!!


Can you try JoinDataTable and FilterDataTable as the following?

It may be necesary to tune condition of Join. (3.1 KB)


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Hi Yoichi,got it through join data tables but not getting through merge activity.


MergeDataTable doesn’t merge 2 DataTables side by side. It merges DataTable as additonal rows to another DataTable.


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HI @Sai_Kumar_111
Merge datatable will not provide the result side by side it will merge the data of destination with source and provide you the result one below the other.

IF you need it side by side then you have to use join data table

you have the following options in this:-
*Inner - Keep all rows from DataTable1 and DataTable2 which meet the Join rule. Any rows that do not meet the rule are removed from the resulting table.

  • Left - Keep all rows from DataTable1 and only the values from DataTable2 which meet the Join rule. Null values are inserted into the column for the rows from DataTable1 that don’t have a match in the DataTable2 rows.
  • Full - Keep all rows from DataTable1 and DataTable2, regardless of whether the join condition is met. Null values are added into the rows from both tables that don’t have a match.

you can use any of the options which you need according to your requirement.

Gayathri M K

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