Trigger did not fire

Hello, I have 1 process that takes dynamic input to run 10 different reports. I have created 10 triggers for each of these reports and scheduled them all to run daily at 12am. I also have 1 unattended bot configured to only run 1 job at a time.

Last night only 1 of the triggers executed. Why didn’t orchestrator kick off the other 9 and just queue them until the bot was ready?

Hi @jlienhoop

Have you checked the jobs if there are any stopped jobs there?


Hello @jlienhoop

Is this issue happened only yesterday?? Also did you checked the status of the jobs and the logs generated?


Yes I checked the jobs. There are no stopped jobs.

Yesterday was the first day. Yes I check the status of the jobs and I stated previously, only 1 ran so there were no logs for the others that didn’t run.