Tried to used throw in Try Block but it didn't catch in Catch Block

my try catch only contain Throw in Try Block and Message box in Catch Block with System Exception

This popup appeared after i run it and contain error in log message


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As per screenshot looks like you have a single excel process scope some where and that is where it is failing…

And that scope might be outside of try block


here is my try catch

I dont use a single excel process scope

HI @azhari

Check the below thread,

Hi @azhari

I think you have did the same process:

This is the output I got. Please do check the same

Hope it helps!!

Hope it helps!!


I tried the same and there is no issue…can you please check the same…if only one activity is there in try you should not get any issue

if multipel activities are to be used then I have given a suggestion in the link provided by @mkankatala …you can check that and disable global exception handler and it should also work

i just created this project for testing and it only have main.xaml which have only the similar try catch… but it doesn’t show the same output as you shown


Can you please check with this sample… (49.8 KB)

In StudioX By default globalexceptionhandler is created


HI @azhari

Check the below thread,

I think you have did the same process:

This is the output I got. Please do check the same

Check the process zip for more more understanding: (153.1 KB)

Hope it helps!!

I tried this sample and it works… so I transfer my current project that I have been working on to this sample… Here I only use a single Try Catch

is there any way to disable this popup in StudioX so I can check if the throw error will be catch or not?

Try deleting this file from project folder

it cant be delete?


Please check this on how to replace global exception handler to suppres


It works now…

Thank you everyone

Best Regards!!

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