Training failed for pipeline with Error: 'multi_task Extraction Model Training Failed'

Hi all,

I’m creating an ML Skill for processing passports. There are 4 FOIs to be extracted from a passport and the document format is PDF. For this I’m using an OOB Package for Passport (version: 22.10.1).
After executing the Train Only pipeline, I’m getting an error as mentioned in the screenshot below:

For data labelling, I have used the Document Manager and exported the labelled schema into AI Center. (refer dataset screenshot below)

Please help me with this!



Assertion error generally comes when the given dataset is wrong…Can you check the dataset given is proper and the uploaded schema is correct


@Anil_G Thanks for the response.

Is there any specific file/content that I need to check within the dataset exported .
I have re-uploaded the dataset couple of times and also tried different options in the document manager while exporting.(schema and all labelled)

Please assist.

Hi @ajay_anil did you figure out what caused this issue?