Tittle Robot Master

I have completed advanced training in 2019, I just found out that the profile on my forum does not yet have the title Robot master.
Previously, the email on my academy and forum was different, now I am the same, but there is still no title for Robot master.
can anyone help me to get it?

Hey @Mulya_Habibi_Tullah

Could you let us know if you use 1 UiPath SSO account to log in to both Forum and Academy?

This email Academy
This email Forum

What should I do?

Thanks for confirming. We will look into it.

If I were to guess - your Username in Academy is currently different than your Primary Email, correct?

Yes, My Username in Academy is currently different than My Primary Email.
help me for this problem

Thanks @loginerror

Hey @Mulya_Habibi_Tullah

Could you let us know if you have recently made any chance to your Academy account?

The truth is, we didn’t get around to fixing it just yet, but it would seem that some change you’ve made to your Academy account correctly triggered the sync afterwards :slight_smile:

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