Time does not capture into excel

If you look at the attached excel, my workflow should check each row in the Process sheet and if the column ‘Status’ is ‘Activate’ then it should capture the current time stamp in the column ‘Senttime’.

There is no error but it does not happen. Attached the excel file and main file

Testing.xlsx (60.7 KB)
Main.xaml (15.7 KB)

@girishankar09 senttime column is empty. did you check this ?
Do you want to write current time in “Sent Time Column”?

Yup @raja.arslankhan , thats the requirement, when I run the automation, it should write current time into ‘Senttime’ column for all the rows which have column ‘Status’ as ‘Activate’

@girishankar09 ok wait let me check🔴

I am not able to open your workflow because its not inside in project folder but I designed workflow for you

Hi @girishankar09
1.Open Excel Process scope
2.Use excel file
3.for each row in excel
4.if CurrentRow(“Status”)=“Activate”
5.Use Write cell activity
You can find the solution below
Main (1).zip (2.3 KB)
Testing.xlsx (9.6 KB)

Hope it helps!!!

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