Send Success Email Notification: Compilation failures occurred:
The type or namespace name 'Enums' does not exist in the namespace 'UiPath.MicrosoftOffice365.Activities' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
Complete results are contained in the Data property of this exception. Please correct the errors in the source and retry the Load.
on the invoke workflow , can anyone explain this ?, the workdlow contains Microsoft 365 Scope which is utilizing Send Mail Activity
I have also added this namespace UiPath.Microsoft365.Enums in both of the workdow
If im upadting the package to latest according to windows - legacy , the latest availbale package is 4.5.9, i think so , if i go above package version 2.2.2 im getting this error
Invoke Workflow File: Compilation failures occurred:
The type 'System.Object' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51'.
on a invoke workflow activity in the initallsettings xaml file
that why I’m using the 2.2.2 version , also i tried possibly every namespace available to add relative to System.Object , also tried to add a dependencies but was unsuefull as there is no package of System.Object
the only possible thing i can do is to update the packge of UiPath.System.Activities along with the latest office365 v4.5.9
I have updated the UiPath.System.Activities to 23.10.6 which im using for almost all legacy to windows migration as its most stable for me , along with the MicrosoftOffice365 to 4.5.9 , but the error persisted
Edit :- This process is not being migrated to windows , its in legacy only im just using the UiPath.System.Activities at 23.10.6 as it is stable for me in windows projects as refer above
Got the bug , idk how this namespace was added UiPath.MicrosoftOffice365.Activities.Enums , which was invalid , after removinig it from the workflow the issue was resolved