Compilation Error with Microsoft Office 365 v2.6.23 When Adding Code Source File

Hey Community!

I’ve come across an issue that wanted to bring to you for review. When I add a code source file to a project that’s using the latest versions of Microsoft Office 365 (specifically v2.6.23), the process fails to compile. Here’s the error message I’m getting:

Unexpected error has occurred during the library compilation process:
The assembly compilation returned the following errors:

  • error CS0234: The type or namespace name ‘Api’ does not exist in the namespace ‘UiPath.MicrosoftOffice365.Activities’ (are you missing an assembly reference?)
  • warning CS0618: ‘CodedWorkflowBase.serviceContainer’ is obsolete: ‘This property is obsolete. Please use services.Container instead.’

(Note: I’ve redacted the user paths and project names for confidentiality)

As soon as I remove the code source file (a blank new source code file, nothing fancy), everything starts working again.

Any ideas on what might be causing this and whether this could be fixed in future releases? Thanks in advance for your help!

Let me know if you need any other information for your troubleshooting!


Bruno Costa.


Same error here. Curious about the resolution. For now, as a workaround, I downgraded the version of Microsoft Office 365 dependency to 2.5.9, which works fine for now.

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What version of Studio are you using?
Can you attach a project that reproduces the issue?

Indeed, with version 2.5.9, the problem is resolved, but depending on the chosen authentication method, other issues may emerge, as I experienced.

Hello @agi,

The Studio version is 2023.10.4. I also tried with 2023.10.7.

To reproduce the problem: simply create a new blank process, add a new source code file, install the latest MicrosoftOffice365 package, and attempt to run the main file.

Due to security reasons, I am unable to upload my project here.

I attempted to replicate the issue on Studio 2024.10.0 on my personal machine but was unsuccessful.


Bruno Costa.

Thanks for the information, we’ve managed to reproduce the issue in our environment. A fix will be included in the next patch for Studio 23.10.


Thanks for the support, @agi ! Eagerly awaiting the upcoming Studio update.


Any news about the update?

The fix was included in the Studio 23.10.8 patch

Thank you very much. I tested with 23.10.8 and it’s OK.

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