The process terminated unexpectedly due to process termination Exception : Exception Info : System. OutOfMemoryException

Hi All,

We have our flow running in enterprise version 2018.1 non internet machine. we scheduled our process in windows task scheduler. yesterday while running the process in middle the process is terminated and the issue
The process terminated unexpectedly due to process termination Exception : Exception Info : System. OutOfMemoryException

is it issue with uipath robot or system memory issuue. kindly help me


Hi @Abisha

see whether this helps

Hi @Lahiru.Fernando

I already gone through this link but my work flow is already splitted as many its a big process running from last 18 Months without an issue suddenly yesterday this issue happened. it got stopped when it was processing a pdf file.


Have you checked by restarting the machine if possible?
or, check whether there is any other process that is utilizing the memory unexpectedly…

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Yes i have to check that


I had many files to process, due to which i was getting this error i ran it twice the number of files
issue is resolved.

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