hello master !
i’am runing a python script but, i 'am struggling with the python excutable file .exe
this is my problem ,and i need help
hello master !
i’am runing a python script but, i 'am struggling with the python excutable file .exe
Not able to understand the error because of language…but can you please verify if you are passing the values properly…in the given link you have the values to be populates with example
i passe the right path but until the same message error
As per error directory is not found…so is the path proper ans I hope it is accesible
Also try checking folder permissions
Also in path try giving only till the folder and not the file
if you use where python command in command prompt, you will get the proper path of python file and for versions greater than 3.10 I believe you have to add the path of dll file
Give the folder path as path
@Anil_G hello master!
i followed all this step but my trouble is that i did 'nt get any result even if my process is still runnning
So you dont have any errors? but no output as well?
did you happen to capture the output variables?
@Anil_G @Athira
when i use my python script outside the UiPath studio it 's working well , and the output is suppose to be an excel file converted from a txt file by the python script
but with UiPath studio any output and the process still run !
Please check the .net runtime version you have may be somehting is incompatible