The indicated element does not belong to the target application/browser first time

I am trying to automate a report request web page. I created a repository for the first report, renamed objects, organized them. All went well and the automation works. I’m starting on my second automation and started a new project. I tried reusing the repository from the first project, but kept getting the error “The indicated element does not belong to the target application/browser”, even though if I try to highlight it in the Repository, it shows up fine. So I started over and just used a local Project UI Descriptors. Captured all the items on the page, organized them and now trying to create my script. All the objects are recognized and successfully highlight on the web page.

I start with a Use Application/Browser activity, then 3 Excel Activities (Process Scope, Use File, For Each Row). Here’s the strangeness. If I put an activity in the For Each Row sequence, I get the error message above. If I move it above to Use File, Process Scope or Use Application, it’s recognized fine. Even stranger, if I switch the object to another, then switch it back to the original, it recognizes it the 2nd time.

Any ideas on why my objects aren’t recognized initially, but switching them out, then back in magically makes them work? Or why they work outside of the For Each sequence, but not inside?


can you please show some screenshots

there might be few ui level changes

also when you say report is it excel? if so then we have excel activities instead of ui


Hi, @jeremy_crouse

Try dynamic browser selektors, You can use aaname or innerText or wildcard (’ * ') on the selectors

Updates UI Repository.


The report is on a web page, but I’m using Excel to cycle through a list of data to run multiple reports on different clients. The Repository is set up with wildcards on selectors when needed. I even started over, and identified all elements on the page, then used just the local UI repository. Same issue.

Strangely enough, this happens when I drag a UI element onto my workflow, then pick an appropriate activity. IF I do it in reverse, pick an activity first, then drag the UI element onto the activity, everything is OK. So I at least have a usable workaround.

It just seems like there may be a bug in the background on this one.


@jeremy_crouse ,

OK. Maybe you can use kill process before at the beginning (kill excel, chrome) it will be happen good
