TFS - Add File: TF10175: The XXX team project does not exist

Having connected to the TFS Server and Team project I am trying to Add file.

Steps to reproduce:
Projects->Source Control->Connect To Team Project - ok
Right Click on File to Add->Add

Current Behavior:
Error message: TF10175: The XXX team project does not exist

Expected Behavior:
File added to TFS

Studio/Robot/Orchestrator Version:

Last stable behavior:
Last stable version:
OS Version:
Windows 10
Others if Relevant: (workflow, logs, .net version, service pack, etc)
Full admin permissions is granted on the TFS project for the user running the session

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@Peter_Lacken, did you ever get a response to this?

I’m currently facing the same issue.

Just for anybody else that may find this as in issue, my problem was the project was set up as GIT - changed it to TFS and all was OK.


Also i faced the same issue.

I have fixed this problem.

When you create a new repository, the type of repository should be TFVC


Well done @jcb! It solved the issue…

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Hi @Peter_Lacken ,
I have figured out the issue. While creating the project on TFS, you can see an Advanced option. Most of us neglect it while creating a project. So it looks like:

When you click on Advanced, two options appears, that are:

You need to change the Version control from GIT to TFS.
After doing so, it would work fine, Thanks.