Testing activities VerifyExpression ends with error 'An error ocurred while sending the request'

Hello everyone!

I have created some test cases in Studio and used VerifyExpression activities after the execution of the Main flow (in …Then box):

When execute the test from Studio (using Run file with data variations) it passes Ok:


However, if do it from Orchestrator (using Testing option), this error message is received in the same activities (both VerifyExpression activities showed above):


We have Cloud Orchestrator (last version), Enterprise Studio License (both 2022.4.4 and 2022.10.3 shows the same error).

Please, can anyone help me with this issue?

Hi @jucgonza

This looks strange.

Few things that you can try

  1. Recreate the activity and re publish
  2. Check the Windows application logs(Event viewer). May be there is something unusual happening
  3. Revalidate your expression if there is some null reference or that value is not initialized for any of the cases

And in Expression just to make sure use ‘Not’ instead of ‘!’(Not)


@jucgonza ,

Please check Proxy on your bot machines and allow the URL and this should work fine.

Please follow below URL to allow proxy.


Hello guys! Thanks for your response.

I tried all the points mentioned by @Anil_G, with same error. I found this error on Event Viewer: System.Runtime.Serialization.InvalidDataContractException: Type ‘System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException’ cannot be serialized. Consider marking it with the DataContractAttribute attribute, and marking all of its members you want serialized with the DataMemberAttribute attribute. If the type is a collection, consider marking it with the CollectionDataContractAttribute. See the Microsoft .NET Framework documentation for other supported types.

I think it could be some network problem, as suggested by @Arvind_Kumar1. Any idea which URL could it be? The error happened even from a home network, when it is supposed everything is open.

@jucgonza ,

it depends how are you signing into orchestrator. please select all URL based on authentication mode.
