Test Manager ReOrder Button Gone?

Hello, It seems that the Re-Order button in Test Manager has dissapeared for both me and a colleague when trying to determine the order of test cases within any of our test sets. We have ensured that the ‘Enforce Execution Order’ Toggle is on and that the test cases are statically assigned. The button was there a few weeks ago, so now our test set runs test cases in a random order. Anyone else experienced this?

Please try below options

  1. Check Permissions: Ensure that both you and your colleague have the necessary permissions to reorder test cases. Sometimes, updates or changes in user roles can affect access to certain features.
  2. Browser Cache: Clear your browser cache and cookies. Sometimes, cached data can cause issues with the display of certain buttons or features.

Thanks! It was a permissions issue, even though I already had some level of administrator rites!

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