Need help in scheduling the test case


as i want to schedule the test cases but seems that can be done from Orchestrator only. How can i schedule the one after the other as testcase1 data is to be used in testcase2 and so on but running from Orchestrator it is running any test case randomly. Can someone help on this


you can create test sets and add test cases under it they would run in same order


@Anil_G under orchestrator i am not getting any option to change the order but under test manager only i am getting that chnage order option


in test manager only you would do that


@Anil_G test manager we dont have option of scheduling test cases any idea on that


test sets is where you can set execution order not individual test cases

make the test cases as sets and then run


@Anil_G yes sorry i meant test set only

in Orchestrator i created but dont have option to reorder the test cases in that test set but scheduling option in available there only

in Test manager i did created the test set and did reorder the test case as i want but dont have option of scheduling that


under test sets after opening configuration is where you will have this option do you see this


@Anil_G yes this is under test manager how can i schedule this test set now as on Orchestrator this test set is not appearing


you would run the execution from test manager itself…there is an execution option there itself


@Anil_G i think that way its mannually i need to click to run as automated but’ i want to schedule


I see test sets selection option as well


@Anil_G here we can only select the test set created on Orchestrator not the one created on Test manager


you can select link in test sets in test amanger and link them to orchestrator which might allow you for execution order


@Anil_G i did but those option under configuration are disabled it states as test set is not triggered from Test manager