Tesseract different language - absolute Path to language file

Hello guys,

For some of my automations i use tesseract. I use the german language - which means i have to provide a language file and reference it by the prefix of the language file.

This works so far.
My Problem with this is that every time i update the vision package (e.g. from version 1.2 to 1.3) i need to install the language file again on every robot machine which uses this aufomation.

Is there a way to Provide a absolute path of the language file to the language field?
Or do you have other suggestions to make it easier for developers to provide the language file for new machines? Maybe give it within the project files and reference it?


What you can do is have the file in the project file it self…and check everytime if the required folder is present in the location where it should be if not copy in the project itself…so that whenever you upgrade it identifies and copies it
