So @evan.cohen asked me what else could I do with UiPath’s robot-js - so on the train home this evening I added a javascript chat module to the robot-js SDK User Interface - I can now launch my robots by asking “Robbie” (my local chatbot) to run a robot by its name. Simply uses my laptop speakers and microphone.

“Robbie, Open my ERP screens”

“OpenMyERPScreens” is my UiPath robot ID.

The process names are not hard coded!
The chatbot is using speech to text, then matching the command against the possible processes known to robot-js

I inserted:
Basic voice recognition (JavaScript) - GIT – by Code & Dogs


Thanks for sharing this, i will definitely be taking a closer look into this!

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Wow, thanks for sharing your innovative ways of UI.

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Thanks @StefanSchnell :+1:

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Thats a great article! excited to start the journey with the sample! cheers for sharing!


@TonyNudd, could you please share the source code for this to try to use as the baseline to build our use cases?

Just use the javascript from code-and-dogs as provided in the above link :+1:
Call it via a button, if the voice pattern is a valid robot name, trigger that robot using a call to robot-js