Take screenshot of an excel sheet range

I need to take a screenshot of an excel sheet within a range and paste it in a word document in a specific location. Please help to throw in some suggestions :slight_smile: thank you in advance!!

Hi @zefang

Use take screenshot activity and loop it


why do i need to loop it?

Hi @zefang

If you have multiple sheets means


Hi @zefang
Its not about the range buddy, we can take only a image in screenshot with a set of range that is there in the screen and to get that
–use a start process and mention the file path as input or even a Excel application scope with the file path and property visible been checked in it
–we can use a send hot key with key ctrl+g, which will take us to the cell we want i the excel
–use a click activity and a type into activity to type the Cell we want in that small window
–use again a click activity to click OK in that window or a send hot key with key enter that would take us to the cell we want to see
–now use a take screenshot activity and get the screenshot of the screen with range starting cell under visibility

Hope this would help you
Cheers @zefang

i only have 1. Can i ask, i need to paste it in a word doc in a Specific location. do you know how to do that?

Hi @zefang

Refer this post it may help u


You have two option

  1. copy the excel range using select range and send key ctrl+c then open the word application
    click Paste Options click paste Special as Picture

  2. use Clipborad. get image method and save as image using Save image activity then import image in Msword

I need to put it in a specific location. Is it good to put it into an anchor base?


Use Marco or Goto Option in MSWord

the thing is if i use goto option, i dont have anything unique there to identify where to put

Hi @zefang

these are few references which i came across while developing the Script for the same Use Case . Go through it if you need any more clarification get back to me.


can tell me in which location you have to put as imge?

then I will try to help u

That can be done by using send hotkey activity, for detail please watch following video:

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@Palaniyappan - What about if we want to use particular excel sheet