Table extraction from amazon

Hi, I was trying to scrape the prices of iphone from amazon to an Excel


but when i tried to use table extraction it shows this error. kindly help

Hi @Harsh_Garg

  1. Use “Use Application/Browser” activity and indicate the Amazon page screen.
  2. Use “Type Into” activity and what products you want to search.
  3. Use “Extract Table Data” activity to extract the name and price of the particular product. If you inducate for one it will automatically take for below products. If you want to do that for multiple pages there is option in that wizard, enable and indicate the next button.
  4. Use “Write Range Wrokbook” activity to write the extracted data to excel. Make sure to tick Add headers option.

This workflow will help you understand the process of the given above steps.

Sequence7.xaml (24.6 KB)

Hope it helps!!

Hi Parvathy,
Thanks you for the help


Refer this workflow. It will give you the data of Iphone.
Sequence7.xaml (24.4 KB)

If you want multiple pages enable Extract Data from Multiple Pages and indicate the Next Button.

Hope it helps!!

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