Switch From Community to Free without losing projects

Hi Team,

I am currently using “Community Plan” and would like to shift “Free Plan” first.
How can I switch Community to Free without losing projects/data on Automation Hub ?

I am planning to purchase “Pro” in the future but would like to try with “Free Plan” first.

Thank you,

Hi @TaecoW

You can happily use Free Pro Trail edition, No Project will lost. Same projects will continue, you are enabling the Free Pro Trail edition for same account right then no project will lost everything will be in your account only.

Hope it helps!!

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Hey Taeco,

No data will be lost you can freely switch between the versions.

Also, for more information regarding plans and pricing please refer to below link:
[Automation Pricing - Complete UiPath Enterprise Solution] (Automation Pricing - Complete UiPath Enterprise Solution | UiPath)

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@hrishikesh.k @mkankatala
Thank you for your info. But I would like to use “Free Plan” ver.
It seems that users can sign up from here

But Org was created separately -… :frowning:
Would you mind helping me?

As you can see the screenshot below, there is no switching option from Community to Free.

Hi Taeco,

Uninstall your Ui-Path and delete organization.
Then again install freshly and create new organization so you will be able to use Community free version.

Thank you.

Please let me know if issue resolves

You are asking about
Community to Free Pro Trail Enterprise edition
Community to Free edition means Studio X

Could you please what you need… @TaecoW

He needs Community to Free edition but not Studio X so suggested that steps.

Then in your screenshot which you posted in the above response, click on Start Pro Trail button then a small window open give the details of your name, mail ID, Job Title and all then click on Start Pro Trail.

Then you can use the Enterprise edition 60 days for free… @TaecoW

Hope you understand!!

I am using Studio Web.
and seeking for the way to switch Community to “Free edition

Hi Taeco,

Uninstall your Ui-Path and delete organization.
Then again install freshly and create new organization so you will be able to use Community free version.

Thank you.

Please let me know if issue resolves.

It looks like you are already used Free Pro Trail edition. Am I right… @TaecoW

If yes, then you have to create a new account in UiPath cloud website with new Mail ID. But the old projects that you published to orchestrator will not appear because it is new account. But you can use the Community edition and Studio.

If you change the Organization name for the same account but orchestrators look likes new as new account and you can use Studio.

With out changing Organization name and creating new account you can’t use the Community edition. If you try both methods the Projects, assets and other data will not appear in the Orchestrator.

Hope you understand!!


My understanding is that “Free Pro Trail edition” and “Free Ver” are different…
As the screenshot below, Pro Trial and Free are different.

I am using only Stdio Web, which means I don’t have to uninstall because it is Web.
I hope I make sense.

Okay got it… @TaecoW

Exactly the Free edition and Free Pro Trail is different. You are unable to use the Studio web or what…?

My question is How can I switch “Community Plan" to “Free Plan” ?

You are not using the community plan you are already in free plan you can check in the below image that you posted at above responses,

If your license is in community then it will show community not free… @TaecoW

I have two organization… one is “free” and the other is “Community”
I just wanted to switch Community to Free but there is no way I can do. I had to create new org.

I want to clarify. It you cannot just use community like that. Community edition is for non-comercial use.

You cannot update from Community to Free Edition, just free trial. There shouldnt be a need to move from Community to Free I think.

Thank you!!
What I did was download projects from community plan and upload them on “Free” tenant.

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